Pigmentation is synonymous to skin colour. Lighter or darker skin colour, there’s not much to think about it. Since, melanin a substance in our body contributes to the colour of not just our skin but also eye and hair. How does this happen? Let me give you an answer. In the layer of basal cells, that’s deep inside the outer layer of skin – epidermis, present the special skin cells called melanocytes. It produces and stores melanin. The story is not yet over. Melanosomes, which could be called as the mini organ of the cell – (the organelles) synthesize and contain melanin.

Hope the confusion about our skin colour is clarified. If we go further into this topic, we come across two types of melanin. A major idea about skin colour has to be conceived here. Not just melanin becomes pivotal in exhibiting our skin colour, the genetic play should also be taken into account. The sun exposure our ancestors got and the geographical area that they lived in considerably play a vital role in determining our skin colour.

Coming back to melanin. The following are the two types of Melanin:




Since a fair idea about melanin is charted out, I think let’s go a bit deeper into the genetic part of the skin colour. As we all know and discussed earlier in the blog, we know how impactful sun exposure and geographical areas could be when it comes to skin colour. It is said that people who are living in relatively colder places or away from the equator and not exposed to sun a lot have a lighter skin tone, even their hair colour and colour of their eyes is much lighter. Their body is said to produce Vitamin D in optimum to combat the problems that could arise due to paucity of sun exposure.

On the other end, we have people whose complexion could be a little dark due to the maximum exposure they get. Their body naturally produces a comparatively higher amount of melanin to defend their skin from getting affected by sun exposure and other harmful rays such as UV rays that comes from sun.

This is where the genetic part is vital in bringing out our skin colour. Albinism is a major problem that is caused in accordance with the genetic disturbance. It is caused due to the genetic problems.


Our skin colour could be light or dark depending upon the aforementioned reasons, but if it lightens or darkens abnormally without getting affected by the geographical condition, then it’s a heads up for us to approach a dermatologist and diagnosed. Let’s look into the common skin colour disorder types. Hyperpigmentation vs Hypopigmentation/Depigmentation vs Hypopigmentation.

These are the common doubts we get, explanation and causes for these disorders are discussed as follows:


Our skin colour getting a little dark or darkness deepening in a particular area, especially around the mouth, around the neck, nose corner, knee and elbow areas are considered as pigmentation.This is technically called as Hyperpigmentation. The main cause of hyperpigmentation is the amount of melanin is a bit high in these areas. If you face such problems, kindly get an appointment with your dermatologist and they will do the needful.

Although, this problem should be addressed, it is always normal to have pigmentation in your intimate areas.


When you are affected by Hypopigmentation, you will evidently see a lighter tone skin patches on your face and other parts. The main cause for hypopigmentation is due to the low amount of melanin present.

But do not fret over this problem and depigmentation by blending both. It is completely different from the other one.


Depigmentation is the disorder that causes complete lighter tone all over your body. Your skin slowly and gradually loses its colour. The increasing colour loss could be associated with serious problems like Vitiligo.If you experience this, do not delay and immediately consult your dermatologist.



As far as the solution is concerned, there are a lot of treatments available. They are as follows:

• Chemical Peels Treatment
• Laser Therapy
• Medication and so on and so forth.

Kindly avoid self-medication of any sort. Please go in for a dermatological consultation if you find or feel any such disorders is affecting you.

Prevention is better than cure. It is said that basic skin pigmentation that arises out of acne pores and sun exposure and pigmentation around your eyes or dark circles could be considerably mitigated by water. Yes, drink optimum level of water everyday to ensure basic skin health. However, adverse problems have to be treated immediately by a dermatologist. The skin benefits you can get through drinking water is explained clearly in this blog.

Check it out - https://yourdermstore.com/blogs/news/10-magical-benefits-of-water-to-maintain-healthy-skin